Brand development

Designing the first full flash enabled website brought a new level of client, and Bacardi Global Brands led the way.

The digital era

Everyone wanted to be online, and the rush of companies searching for experts expanded quickly in the late 1990’s. Way ahead of the curve, I worked with the Discovery Channel to create a way for people to create their own video clips using Discovery video clips.

Design thinking

Working with Rational Rose, where Jakob Nielsen worked, the principles of design thinking formed into the work in the studio. Every project I worked on had a design problem to be solved. Wireframes became the corner stone of every project. This period also marks the beginning of my love of information graphics.

Sex, drugs & rock n’roll

After winning Communication Arts design awards in 1997, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame called. Brett Yancy Collins led the project pitch against several New York Based agencies and won the million dollar contract sponsored by AT&T to design and develop a new website for the RockHall.