Two spaces after a full stop!

Another pet peeve… clients who submit their content with two spaces after a full stop or period. The first thing I do when I get a document of copy is to perform a find and replace for all double spaces. Im not going to go into the history of why this convention began and why it persists, but for the love of all things natural I wish it would stop.

Feet and Inches

A huge pet peeve of mine is the use of incorrect typographic marks. The one I see the most if the use of Feet and Inch marks in place of quotation (inverted commas) and apostrophe marks. There are double and single quotation marks and the general rule is that they are shaped in some sort of curve.

The Blame Game

We have worked with some terrible clients from a project standpoint. And although I ensure that the end product is something that I would be proud to show, the client in these cases can make the journey a tough one.